Pam Killeen

Business Location

Ontario, Canada

Short Business Description

Mineral Balancing Practitioner and Buteyko Breathing Coach

Long Business Description

As someone who used to struggle with debilitating chronic fatigue, brain fog, fibromyalgia, insomnia, I wish I had discovered mineral balancing many years ago. During the decades I was unwell, I used a hit-and-miss approach to try to get well. All to no avail.

Eventually, through mineral balancing, I learned that I could get to the root cause of my health problems by using specific, targeted supplements. Not only was I fortunate enough to finally hear about this program, for the last ten years, I've also been fortunate enough to use this system to successfully help others who struggle with similar persistent health problems.

I remember the days when I could barely get out of bed. It was a chore to engage in activities such as tennis or socializing with my friends. With restored energy, now each day is a celebration. These days, in my spare time, I actually love playing tennis and spending time with my friends!

To help enhance your mineral balancing program, I'm also a certified Buteyko Breathing practitioner. While I teach this breathing method to my own clients, if you're working with another mineral balancing practitioner, I have designed a specific Buteyko Breathing protocol that complements this program. Because of the intensity of the detox you'll be going through during your mineral balancing program, I have adjusted the Buteyko Breathing protocol accordingly. For more details about my Buteyko Breathing coaching sessions, please visit my website or contact me through my email. [In September 2019, my website is still up but under construction and will be updated very soon.]

As I often tell my clients, you have to be as tough as nails to do mineral balancing. But, in the long run, all of your hard work will be rewarded … with optimal health!

Business Website Address

Business Phone Number


Business Address

London, Ontario, Canada
N6K 1V6


The Elevate Institute


Denny’s Hair Analysis